Customizing BSS for AAA-telecom

Providing excellent professional services around an enterprise-grade product


Industry: Telecommunications
Location: Austria
Employees: >10,000
Duration: 12 months, ongoing


Telecommunications corporation with presence in more than 10 European countries – one of the leaders in the Swedish and Finnish cellular markets – that uses fixed and mobile communication solutions to link businesses, families, communities, etc. The company offers a wide range of services, ranging from celular services and smart TV to complete business development solutions.


Telecommunications companies face a number of challenges to cover several important areas in order to be competitive, productive and successful:

  • Large number of services, service variations and packages that are often interdependent or complementary
  • Huge retail focus, serving tens of millions of users, individuals and businesses
  • Considerable divergence of the needs of various types and groups of customers, as well as their purchasing power
  • Market competition

This leads to fundamental requirements, which are met by the continuous evolution of both core telecom systems and business support systems (BSS):

  • Continuous need to come up with, discover, and offer the most up-to-date and innovative services leveraging cutting edge technology
  • Necessity to compile and package elementary services into the targeted service offerings so that different client segments can get products relevant to their demand
  • Need to automate and orchestrate the provision of services as much as possible, both on the ordering and delivery sides, as manual processing prevent effective scaling and makes products costly and non competitive
  • Provide a clear, compelling, user-friendly digital experience to the customers
  • Provide productive tools to the employees within the purchase-to-pay process, ensuring high level of business process interoperability with the telecom core runtime environments


The client has acquired a top-notch BSS platform that has been integrated to the company’s IT landscape to support and manage service order and delivery.

The objective for Aterise was to adapt and customise the platform’s business rules processing layer to the client’s specific business logic, workflows, and taxonomy.

The major aim was to ensure high automation level and straight-trough processing across all the underlying systems and offer users with productive tools to help them complete the following tasks:

  • Reduce the BSS’s operational and maintenance costss
  • Make the process of creating a large number of service packages more efficient
  • Implement the customer’s specific taxonomy on top of BSS engine
  • Customise invoicing and accounting workflows and reports to comply with the client’s standards and policie
  • Process the data of telecom service usage statistics acquired from reverse flow of data from the core customer’s systems


In order to meet the objectives and address the сhallenges, Aterise run the following research, development and implementation activities:

  • To realize the required customizations of the BSS platform, we needed to gain a better understanding of the following topics: customer’s business processes and specific service implementations, as well as logical and technological solutions (implementation methods and techniques) presumed by the BSS platform. Aterise was successful in completing this task by conducting own research and passing through several knowledge transfer sessions with the BSS provider and the customer.
  • Customize the business logic (statuses, transitions, entities and types, calculations, and other elements that encapsulate the platform’s service support logic)

On the execution level, Aterise realized the following implementation strategy:

  • Assembled a dedicated team of highly experienced professionals: 2 Business Analysts, 5 Software Engineers, 3 QA Engineer, who would further familiarize themselves with both customer processes and platform’s specifics
  • As the backlog grew, we completed all types of customizations (on backend and frontend) – workflows, elementary services and service package construction logic, taxonomy, calculations, statistics, etc.
  • Customised the billing documents templates and underlying financial calculations in accordance to the standards and customer forms
  • Conducted continuous testing
  • Provided continuous support and quick adjustments / fixes


Aterise has successfully delivered outstanding professional services around the BSS platform

  • Aterise swiftly and efficiently succeeded to help turning the BSS platform into a fully functional business flow seamlessly supporting client’s specific products, services and packages
  • The client is now able significantly improve its BSS automation level, cut costs, and rapidly implement new or improved processes and services. Our team continues to support these activities
  • Our work was highly appreciated by both by the BSS vendor and the end-client

Thank you for reading!


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